مصنَّفاتُ فَخْرِ المحِقِّقِينَ محمَّد بنُ الحسن الحِلِّيّ (ت 771هـ/1369م)
Works of Fakhr Al-Muhaqqiqin Muhammad bin Al-Hasan Al-Hilli (D. 771 AH/1369 AD)
مثلَّت مدرسة الحِلَّة، لاسيما في بداية القرن السابع الهجريّ، حتَّى نهاية القرن الثامن الهجريّ، وباتِّجاهاتها الفكريَّة المختلفة تحوُّلًا بارزًا في مسار الفكر الإسلاميّ بشكلٍ عامٍّ، والمذهب الإماميّ بشكلٍ خاصٍّ، وقد ظهر عدد كبير من العلماء في هذه المدرسة، منهم: هبة الله بن نما الحِلِّيّ (حيًّا 565هـ/1170م)، ومحمَّد بن إدريس الحِلِّيّ (ت598هـ/1193م)، ويحيى بن البطريق الحِلِّيّ (ت600هـ/1203م)، والسيِّد رضي الدين عليّ بن طاووس (ت664هـ/1265م)، والمحقِّق الحِلِّيّ (ت776هـ/1277م)، وغيرهم، وقد أحدثوا من نقلة نوعيَّة على مستوى الدراسات العقائديَّة والكلاميَّة للمذهب الإماميّ فكان لهذه المدرسة سماتها وخصائصها الواضحة التي جعلتها تختلف عن غيرها من المدارس، ويمكن القول إنَّ الجهد الذي بذله العلَّامة الحِلِّيّ (ت726هـ/1325م)، وولده فخر المحقِّقين (ت771هـ/1369م)، كان له الأثر الأكبر في ترسيخ هويَّة هذه المدرسة، ذلك أنَّ أثر العلَّامة الحِلِّيّ لا يتمثَّل فقط بزعامته للمرجعيَّة الدينيَّة الشيعيَّة في عصره، بل في توجُّهاته العقائديَّة، وما أحدثه من تحوُّل منهجيّ في دراسة عقائد الشيعة الإماميَّة، ممَّا جعله يشكِّل ظاهرة لها توجُّهاتها، وحركة لها أتباعها ومؤيِّدوها، والذين واصلوا من بعده عمليَّة البناء والتأسيس والتأصيل للمنطلقات والأسس التي بنى عليها العلَّامة الحِلِّيّ منظومته الأصوليَّة والفقهيَّة والعقائديَّة، ومن بين أهم مَن كان لهم الأثر في حفظ التراث الفكريّ والعقائديّ لمدرسة الحِلَّة، ممثَّلة بإسهامات العلَّامة الحِلِّيّ هو ابنه محمَّد ابن الحسن الحِلِّيّ الملقَّب بـ(فخر المحقِّقين).
Hillah School, especially at the beginning of the seventh century A.H until the end of the eighth century A.H, and with its various intellectual trends, represented a prominent shift in the path of Islamic thought in general, and the Imami school of thought in particular. This was due to the emergence of a large number of scholars in this school, including: Hibat Allah bin Nama Al-Hilli (who lived in 565 AH/1170 AD), Muhammad bin Idris Al-Hilli (D. 598 AH/1193 AD), Yahya bin Al-Batriq Al-Hilli (D. 600 AH/1203 AD), Sayyid Radhi Al-Din Ali bin Tawoos (D. 664 A.H/1265 AD) and Muhaqqiq Al-Hilli (D. 776 AH/1277 AD) And others, and the qualitative transfer they made at the level of doctrinal and theological studies of the Imami school of thought played a major role in making this school have its clear features and characteristics that made it different from other schools, and it can be said that the role played by Al-Allama Al-Hilli (D. 726 AH / 1325 AD) and his son Fakhr al-Muhaqqiqin
(D. 771 AH/1369 AD) had the greatest impact in consolidating the dimensions and identity of this school This is because the impact of Al-Allama Al-Hilli is not only represented by his leadership of the Shiite religious authority in his time, but rather his doctrinal orientations, and the methodological transformation he brought about in the study of the doctrines and principles of the Imami Shiites, made him constitute a phenomenon with its own orientations, and a movement with its followers and supporters, and those who after him continued the process of establishing and consolidating the principles. The foundations upon which Al-Allama Al-Hilli laid down his fundamentalist, jurisprudential, and ideological system, and among the most important people who had a role in preserving and enriching the intellectual and doctrinal heritage of the Hilla School, represented by the contributions of Al-Allama Al-Hilli, is his son, Muhammad bin Al-Hassan Al-Hilli, nicknamed (Fakhr Al-Muhaqqiqin).
(D. 771 AH/1369 AD) had the greatest impact in consolidating the dimensions and identity of this school This is because the impact of Al-Allama Al-Hilli is not only represented by his leadership of the Shiite religious authority in his time, but rather his doctrinal orientations, and the methodological transformation he brought about in the study of the doctrines and principles of the Imami Shiites, made him constitute a phenomenon with its own orientations, and a movement with its followers and supporters, and those who after him continued the process of establishing and consolidating the principles. The foundations upon which Al-Allama Al-Hilli laid down his fundamentalist, jurisprudential, and ideological system, and among the most important people who had a role in preserving and enriching the intellectual and doctrinal heritage of the Hilla School, represented by the contributions of Al-Allama Al-Hilli, is his son, Muhammad bin Al-Hassan Al-Hilli, nicknamed (Fakhr Al-Muhaqqiqin).