Volume NO.3- Issue NO.7
Data : 2019/3/1
Researcher Professor Sami Ali Al-Mansoory, Ph.D.   -   Department of Arabic, College of Education, Qurna, University of Basra
◄ Professor Abdul Hussain Al-Mubarek (1937-2018) and His Scholarly Efforts in the Fields of language and
Researcher Professor Hussain Ali U. Al-Mustapha, Ph.D.   -   Department of History, College of Education for Human Sciences, University of Basra
Researcher Dr. Rafed A.R. Eilan, Assistant Professor   -   
◄ Social and Economic Conditions in Basra via Travelers' Books in the 16th Century
Researcher Dr. Ali Chassib Al-Khuza'y, Assistant Professor   -   Department of Qur'anic Sciences and Islamic Education
◄ Grammatical Research from the Example to the Text
Researcher Dr. Nizar Al Mansouri   -   .
◄ Lights on the Treasures of Basra Manuscripts
Researcher Dr. Ahmad Majeed Sh. Al-Bassam, Lecturer   -   Basic Education College, University of Kufa
◄ The Popular Heritage of Basra and its Narrative Novel The Flies and the Emerald
Researcher Sheikh Mudrek Sh. Mozan   -   .
◄ A Treatise on Using Fingers in Calculations by Muhadhib Ed-Deen Ahmad bin Abdul Ridha Al-Basri
Researcher Researcher: Muslim A. Bader   -   .
◄ Mdaina (Jazaier Al_Basra) in the Academic Hawza
Researcher Professor Swady F. Mkallaf , Ph.D   -   Department of Arabic Language College of Education for Human Sciences, University of Basra
◄ قصيدةُ (ودائع ) للشاعر حسين عبد اللطيف مقاربةٌ نقديَّة
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