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الإمامة في كتاب فخر المحقِّقين (معراج اليقين شرح نهج المسترشدين في أصول الدين)
Imamate in Fakhr Al-Muhaqiqin’s Book “Miraj Al-Yaqin Sharh Nahj Al-Mustashiridin fi Usul Al-Din”
درس هدا البحث الأدلَّة العقليَّة واليقينيَّة لإثبات العقائد الدينيَّة في كتاب (معراج اليقين) لفخر المحقِّقين، حيث أورد الشروحات والحجج الإسلاميَّة، ودفع جميع الشبهات، عن طريق التنظيم واستنباط المعارف الإسلاميَّة والمفاهيم العقائديَّة الدينيَّة، من خلال الاستعانة بالنصوص القرآنيَّة والإسلاميَّة، ثمَّ يوظِّفها في الاستدلال العقليّ؛ لإثبات تلك العقائد الدينيَّة وتبريرها، باتِّباع المناهج الإسلاميَّة والمقاربات الدينيَّة، وقد اعتمد فخر المحقِّقين فيه على المنهج العقليّ والنقليّ، فتمكَّن بمقاربات استدلاليَّة لمفهوم ووجوب الإمامة مع بيان جميع الآراء الإسلاميَّة المتَّفقة والمخالفة، وبمنهج وصفيّ وتحليليّ وتفسيريّ بين ضرورة الإمامة ووجوب عصمة الإمام بالنصِّ والنقل المتواتر عن النبيّ وآل البيت، ثمَّ استدلَّ به لإثبات الإمامة في آل البيت دون غيرهم من أهل زمانهم.
استندت الدراسة على استخدام المنهج التاريخيّ المقارن والمفسِّر لوجهة النظر الكلاميَّة المعاصرة للمفاهيم العقائديَّة الواردة في شروحات فخر المحقِّقين، مراعيًا في ذلك ربطها بالحدث التاريخيّ، فضلًا عن استخدام وحدة الموضوع في تفسير شروحات فخر المحقِّقين لنصوص الأب.
استندت الدراسة على استخدام المنهج التاريخيّ المقارن والمفسِّر لوجهة النظر الكلاميَّة المعاصرة للمفاهيم العقائديَّة الواردة في شروحات فخر المحقِّقين، مراعيًا في ذلك ربطها بالحدث التاريخيّ، فضلًا عن استخدام وحدة الموضوع في تفسير شروحات فخر المحقِّقين لنصوص الأب.
This research studied the rational and certain evidence to prove religious beliefs in the book (Miraj al-Yaqin), by Fakhr
Al-Muhaqiqin, as it mentioned Islamic explanations and arguments and repelled all suspicions, by organizing and deriving Islamic knowledge and religious doctrinal concepts through the use of Quranic and Islamic texts, and then employing them in mental reasoning to prove these Religious beliefs and their justification by following Islamic approaches and religious approaches Fakhr Al-Muhaqiqin relied on the rational and textual approach, so he was able to draw inferential approaches to the concept and obligation of the Imamate with a statement of all Islamic opinions that agree and disagree, and with a descriptive, analytical and interpretive approach between the necessity of the Imamate and the obligation of the Imam’s infallibility by the text and frequent transmission from the Prophet and his family (peace be upon them), then he used it as evidence to prove the Imamate. In Ahl al-Bayt (peace be upon them) without other people of their time.
The study was based on the use of the comparative and interpretive historical approach to the contemporary theological point of view of the doctrinal concepts contained in the commentaries of Fakhr Al-Muhaqiqin, taking into account their connection to the historical event, as well as the use of the unity of the subject in the interpretation of the explanations of Fakhr Al-Muhaqiqin to the texts of his Father.
Al-Muhaqiqin, as it mentioned Islamic explanations and arguments and repelled all suspicions, by organizing and deriving Islamic knowledge and religious doctrinal concepts through the use of Quranic and Islamic texts, and then employing them in mental reasoning to prove these Religious beliefs and their justification by following Islamic approaches and religious approaches Fakhr Al-Muhaqiqin relied on the rational and textual approach, so he was able to draw inferential approaches to the concept and obligation of the Imamate with a statement of all Islamic opinions that agree and disagree, and with a descriptive, analytical and interpretive approach between the necessity of the Imamate and the obligation of the Imam’s infallibility by the text and frequent transmission from the Prophet and his family (peace be upon them), then he used it as evidence to prove the Imamate. In Ahl al-Bayt (peace be upon them) without other people of their time.
The study was based on the use of the comparative and interpretive historical approach to the contemporary theological point of view of the doctrinal concepts contained in the commentaries of Fakhr Al-Muhaqiqin, taking into account their connection to the historical event, as well as the use of the unity of the subject in the interpretation of the explanations of Fakhr Al-Muhaqiqin to the texts of his Father.