Volume.NO2/ IssueNO.4
Data : 2018/6/1
Researcher Dr.Faris N Faiez   -   Somer University/ Basic Education College
◄ An Ardent Poem by Alawi Al-Basra: Investigation and Study
Researcher Dr. Abdul Ilah A.W. Al-Ardawi professor   -   University of Kufa/ College of Basic Education/ Department of Arabic
◄ Rhetoric of Persuasion in Al-Jahidh's Two Letters on the Right of Imam Ali(A.S) in Islamic Caliphate: h
Researcher Dr. Shukri N. Abdul Hassan (professor   -   University of Basra /College of Human Sciences /Department of History
◄ Strategy of Observation and the Efficiency of the Monitoring System in the Thought of Imam Ali bin abi
Researcher Dr. Kamaran A. Majeed (assistant professor   -   College of Islamic Studies' Sulaimaniyya University
◄ Abu Al-Hussain Al-Basri and his Efforts in Refuting Contradiction among Religious Texts: a study of pri
Researcher Entisar M. Abdul Khudher Al-Darbandy (lecturer   -   University of Basra / College of Education for Human Sciences/ Department of History
◄ Basra Popular Attitude Towards King FaisalI Period (1921-1933)
Researcher Dr. Faris M. Mohmmad (assistant professor   -   University of Basra/ College of Education for Human Sciences/ Department of Geography
◄ Handicraft Industries in Qurna and Mdaina Provinces
Researcher Hameed Seilawi Lafta   -   Basrah Directorate of Education
◄ Sayid Mohammad Mahdi Al-Sewaich: Upbringing and Social Role in Basrah
Researcher Mushtaq I. Obaid   -   Basra Education Directorate
◄ الصَّابئةُ في جزائر البصرة في القرن السّابع عشر
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